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Meet The Committee


Hannah Hershberger

Assistant Events Manager


Jessica Reed

VP of Marketing Brand, Partnerships, and Recruiting​

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Craig Ungaro

Chief Operating Officer

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Kim Hagen

Executive  Administrative Assistant

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Adam Burke

Director of


As a mother, of an 5+ year active duty Army solider, this just warms my heart that AnnieMac and the Panebianco Family have chosen Freedom Service Dogs to partner with. One of my biggest concerns is the transition my son will face, from post military life to the civilian world, as some soldiers have a hard time adjusting. I am proud to be part of a company that is making a difference with our veterans.

Marissa, Thank you for all you do putting this event together,
and to the AnnieMac family for making it a success."

– Sharon Betz, Branch Operations Manager

Contact AnnieMac:

Hannah Hershberger
Assistant Events Manager


© 2023 American Neighborhood Mortgage Acceptance Company, LLC

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Panebianco Family Foundation EIN # 85-4091151

*Donation letters will be mailed out at the conclusion of the event

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