Since the company’s founding, AnnieMac Home Mortgage has been about improving the lives of people in the communities we serve. Our new undertaking, providing service dogs for veterans of the U.S. armed forces through
a partnership with Freedom Service Dogs of America, is a continuation of that tradition.

Freedom Service Dogs is a nonprofit charitable organization based in Denver, Colorado, that unleashes the potential of dogs by transforming them into custom-trained, life-changing assistance dogs for people facing physical, mental or psychological challenges who would benefit from an animal to assist them. In doing so, they help both people and animals through a variety of programs.
In 2009, the organization launched “Operation Freedom,” which focused specifically on the needs of veterans who were returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with a wide array of mental and physical problems including post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury. Service dogs can help by either performing tasks for physically disabled veterans, or providing the support that enables veterans with psychiatric disabilities to re-adjust to civilian life.
The organization, which was founded in 1987, relies on charitable donations and does not charge clients who receive the dogs. This is what inspired AnnieMac to create our Healing Heroes program which raises funds annually through various efforts to support this cause that is so near and dear to our hearts.
Service dogs are NOT pets. According to “Anything Pawsable,” an education and information resource for those who rely on or work with service dogs, federal law states that the dogs must be individually trained to assist disabled people with tasks directly related to their disabilities.
Many people are familiar with guide dogs that help visually impaired people navigate around obstacles. But service dogs assist with a wide range of other physical, sensory, psychiatric and intellectual disabilities as well. Tasks that service dogs perform include:
Retrieving items such as a medicine or a telephone for people with mobility issues.
Interrupting impulsive or destructive behaviors by people with psychiatric or neurological disabilities.
Pulling a wheelchair.
By federal law, service dogs are permitted in public facilities and accommodations, even if animals kept as pets would ordinarily be prohibited.
Freedom Service Dogs of America specially trains each dog to meet the needs of specific clients, which is a painstaking process. The training for each dog can take seven to ten months and cost up to tens of thousands of dollars.
Sponsor 2 - 3 dogs annually to help improve the life of a hero who has sacrificed a major part of their life and well-being for the betterment of all of us. To accomplish this, we will need to raise a minimum of $60,000. To further help the cause, the Panebianco Family Foundation has agreed to match the amount of all sponsorships
and donations.
We thank you for your interest in this event, and for your part in helping raise funds for the sake of the brave men and women who have served our country.